Autumn/Winter 2020

We spent Thanksgiving near Parrsboro at the Tidal River Cottages — primarily so we could explore a new stretch of the Bay of Fundy and visit the Fundy Geological Museum which is home to the world’s smallest dinosaur footprints (photo below shows the tracks on display in the museum). These were found at Wasson Bluff on April 10, 1984. We visited the site — a glorious red sandstone cliff where palaeontologists still work on a regular basis. The tracks belong to the ichnogenus Grallator and were probably hatchlings of theropod dinosaurs.

We also hunted for gems around Partridge Island but our findings paled alongside the incredible gems on display at Tyson’s in Parrsboro. We got a tour of their collection including their fluorescent minerals under UV light.

The first snow fell on December 17 (and a smattering again on December 26/27) but there wasn’t a decent snowfall until January 22. That seemed late to us — it was mostly mild and drizzly over the Christmas break and it felt like a British winter. Temperatures were back above 0° by January 26.

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